Carestream Industrex AA400 (Export)

AA400 offers excellent image quality with high speed, fine grain & high contrast, designed for used for the inspection of precision castings, large steel castings and welds of all thicknesses, using X or Gamma radiation, with or without lead screens. Suitable for multiple film techniques.
Available film types include Non-interleaved (NIF), Leadpack and Ready Pack
(NIF) Non-interleaved. Sizes available -
- 9 x 12
- 13 x 18
- 10 x 20
- 10 x 24
- 10 x 40
- 10 x 48
- 15 x 40
- 18 x 24
- 24 x 30
- 30 x 40
- 35 x 43
Leadpack sizes available
- 70 x 90
- 100 x 90
Readypack sizes available
- 35 x 60
- 100 x 150
Product Data Sheet
This product is only available for export to countries outside of the UK